Board of Directors

The volunteer Board of Director’s is the governance body of Woodbine Neighbourhood Centre Inc. trading as Neighbourhood Hub Macarthur (NHM). 

The Board consist of four office bearers: President/Chairperson, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and, a Public Officer along with up to four general members. 

Membership is opened to community members, within the Macarthur LGA, who have knowledge in various areas which may include human resources, accounts, work for another not-for-profit organisation or have knowledge of the local community’s needs.
To become member of the Board you must be a financial member of Woodbine Neighbourhood Centre Inc. trading as Neighbourhood Hub Macarthur (NHM) Association, cost per year $2. 

The Board of directors’ meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, time 12.30pm. You can attend these meeting in person, or via the Zoom platform, details are sent out prior to the meeting each month.

Board of Director’s applications are opened at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) however; we encourage and welcome new applications throughout the year.

 Board of directors application form
 Board of Director’s questionaries

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